Tuesday, October 05, 2004


What is better then whipped cream? Seriously.

I am scared to tune into the Tony Danza show because I am scared I will catch him tap dancing & I cannot handle that in the morning.

I heard Good Charlotte on Howard this morning, they sang a song a capella and I liked it so much better.

This crisp NJ weather is putting me in the mood to cook comfort foods. I need to make soups. I am in need of apple picking so I can make apple crisp and apple pies. Stew is calling my name! I am much more domesticated in the winter. I find myself getting crafty, a better cook and cleaner in the winter. As I type this I am self cleaning my oven. I never did that before.
Lets face it in the summer, I am pretty much useless.

Who wants to come over and teach me how to use my capaccino/espresso maker?


  1. having spent lots of time behind an espesso machine I can help you out. As for the formula of the previous post I can get someone pregnant and they can take it. I'll get on that.

  2. Will I never met a man so helpful. It brings a tear to my eye.

  3. I don't know how to use the espresso machine. Sorry.

    I just wanted to tell you something that is better than whipped cream.

    Whipped cream on a hot man.

    Hmm. Need to try that. Soon.


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