Friday, July 23, 2004

A Funny

Baby A loves cars and trucks. We taught him to say car a few months ago, but he would refer to trucks as cars also.  About 2 weeks ago he started saying truck.  Very good, right? well now he has merged the two words and every time he sees a truck he yells "cock"
Fairly amusing for the first day or so.
Not so funny in fancy restaurants.


  1. Wait till one of them drops the f bomb. Princess did that a few weeks ago, and R called me to bitch me out about it. I just got silent and he goes "yeah? what?" and I just said ... "OK, I'll take the heat for that one. But any other profanity does NOT come from me, as I prefer just to say fuck and be done with it.

    He was not amused.

  2. even more perfect if it was a daughter.

  3. in an irony kind of way

  4. How about when your daughter, in a very crowded public place, reaches up and grabs your penis through your shorts and yells, "This is my daddy's pecker!"

  5. Luckily, I do not have a penis. Although I like them, I do not wish to have one attached to my body.


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