Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lose Weight Fast!

I am an admitted tabloid junky. I love US magazine, In Touch and People, I have subscriptions and I read them every week. I love Friday mail because that is they day they all come to my house and shower me with gossip.
But, I am sick of headlines like "Diets the stars use" "Jessica's slimdown secrets" and "Star diet tips". Great, famous people are skinny, that is a new one.

The worst part is, we would all be skinny if we had cooks, personal trainers and all the money in the world to pay for the $30 a day zone diet. Plus they have movie companies paying them to get into shape or stay that way to make their movie.

So I don't want to hear anymore about Jessica's workout to get from a size 4 to a 2 and how to get her ass into Daisy Dukes. Instead tell me why her Father the former preacher left the ministry to become a manager? Tell me about their incestuous relationship and tell me what they did to fuck up Ashlee so much.
Now that is what I am talking about.


  1. Amen sister!

    I've trained my soon-to-be-ten year old that people like Britney & Jessica are skank-ho's, I find this a significant achievement... when my daughter explained that she was never going to get her nose, ears, or belly button pierced- I asked her if she would ever do her nipples. she looked at me with disgust and said "eww mom, that's just wrong"

  2. she got skinny? i thought she just took something to make her head giant!


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