Thursday, September 15, 2005

Open Letter To My Children

Dearest Babies,

I know you are not babies anymore, but to me you will always be my babies. Dad & I bought you "big boy and big girl" beds, so now you need to use them. We made them comfy for you and we even fit your aquarium at the foot of the bed, so you would have the same comforts as your cribs.
You cannot get out of your crib and empty the toy box onto the floor. I can't keep coming up the stairs every 8 minutes to tell you to get back into your beds and to go to sleep.
Although my fat ass thanks you for the exercise.

I know you are enjoying your freedom but do you know what Mommy enjoys? Sleep. A shower. Free time. Quiet and the occasional meal. Is that really top much to ask? After all I am the one wo was stretched out to Utah, and that still bears the stretch marks you guys made. I carried all 15 lbs 3 oz of you for 39 weeks and various fluids and placentas and stuff.
I stay at home to care for you every day knowing that I could not trust your care to another. I gave up extra monies for massages. Hello? Is that not enough?

Also when you ask if I want to "play my puzzle with me?" I always say yes even though I actually do not, because I have done it 2873 times today alone. I let you watch one too many Dora's & Diego's because you are cute when you guys ask, and you said "ppppeeeze?" which mades my heart leap.

Daddy is going away in a couple of weeks and leaving us alone. Lets not try and kill each other until he returns, ok? Mommy will go get a nice massage and hopefully will feel like a new woman. Perhaps I will even sneak in a facial.
Now that will help!

Love, Mommy

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