Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Crafty Lady, I Am Not

I have told you all about my fascination with recipe books and blogs, that I like to call suburban mom porn, but I have another fetish.
Crafting blogs.

Oh, how I yearn to sew and crochet and knit like these bloggers. I want to make my kids clothes, costumes and curtains like my mom did with us. I want to make them hats, mittens and sweaters like my mother in law does for my kids. The little bit of knitting I know how to do is because my mother in law taught me, and although I will deny every saying this and erase it immediately if you try and use it against me, sometimes I wish my mother in law lived closer so she can really teach me these things.

My mother doesn't sew anymore, she is too busy. I haven't sewn anything but a missing button on pants in years. In fact I would love a sewing machine, but I never find the money to buy one, what with kids needing clothes and shoes and FOOD all of the time!

I wish one of you crafty ladies lived near me to teach me these cool things. I would love to have someone take a knitting or crocheting class with me.
Instead I wonder if I will be stuck always knitting pot holders.


  1. While they can't knit shirts or anything, my wife and daughter (who was 9 at the time) learned how to knit at a public library program. They made scarves and hats for a boatload of people that Christmas.

  2. If you can knit a potholder, you can at least knit a simple hat. I taught myself to knit with a simple knitting how-to book that I picked up at Wal-Mart. I'm far from an expert, but I can whip up a cute little hat or baby blanket without much trouble these days.

  3. hey, you can knit more than i can! my sister loves doing all those things, she just went out and bought a sewing machine and she's sewing like a maniac. i have her blog on my sidebar, she's been looking for fellow knitters/sewers, go introduce yourself! she'll love you!

  4. Years ago I use to do crafts. And was pretty good at it! I miss those days.

  5. Craft blogs, not so much... but give me a cookbook or recipe blog and I am in heaven (even though I am a sucky cook)!

  6. I had two different friends teach themselves how to knit from books. I remember that one book was titled Stitching and Bitching, or something like that.
    I've never been into knitting, but I used to sew a lot. I don't really do it anymore and I do miss it.


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