I am glad you all approve of the brownies as a welcome to the neighborhood gesture. They are a much loved baked good. Who asked if there would be nuts in the brownies? How dare you, of course there will be nuts, but not too many.
This "welcoming to the neighborhood" part is new to me. Although we were always friendly with our neighbors growing up, people kept to themselves. I think it is great that there is more of a community here in southern New Jersey, it is almost like living in a different state. Especially because they worship at the alter of cheese steaks and call sprinkles "jimmies" WTH?
New Jersey is strange. We are a rough and diverse state. We have great restaurants, beaches, mountains, great
down towns, many farms, lakes and are close to various major cities. We also have the highest property taxes,
guidos, the highest crime city in the US, and many toll roads.
BUT, you push us to a corner and we will defend our state with everything we have. NJ is the little brother of the US. We can make fun of it and complain about it but
if you do? Well, watch out.
I can tell a NJ driver from a NY driver or a driver from Kentucky. Oh and if you are from anywhere outside the NJ/NY/PA/CT area, I advise you to just stay in the right lane of any major highway and sit tight. Don't go to NY either, if you think NJ has aggresive drivers, you will be in for a rude awakening.
We do not take slow driving, keeping a blinker on for 76 miles or not keeping up with traffic lightly. We will beep at you, yell key word in
your direction or maybe show you a finger or two. I have seen many an out of state driver shell shocked. You know what they say though, if you can't keep up stay the fuck out.
NJ has it faults. We know it, we complain and bicker and threaten to leave. No matter how much of a pain in the butt it is to me, it is still home.