Monday, January 17, 2005

Yes, We are Losers

So E and I were on the hunt for something fun to do with our Saturday night. Like we used to have before people came out of my body.
What was my idea? Karaoke Revolution for Playstation 2. How did it go over with E? Never was there more excitement in the air.
After scouring the stores in my town trying to locate a copy with mic, of course, E finally found one & rushed home to me with it.
We were up until 12:15 playing it. I am not proud. We had so much fun. I don't like to brag but I did nail a couple of songs including My Immortal. Not bad for the first run out with the old Karaoke game huh?!

Yes, we are aware we are grown people and that we are losers.

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