Wednesday, June 27, 2007


No husband + no help + 4 year old twins= a crappy dinner

No husband + no help + 4 year old twins = too much TV

No husband + no help + 4 year old twins = boredom

No husband + no help + 4 year old twins = early bed time for everyone in this house

No husband + no help + 4 year old twins = desperately searching for gooey snacks mid afternoon, only to realize we have none and WHY? don't I stash some somewhere for myself

No husband + no help + 4 year old twins = yelling from me and the kids.

No husband + no help + 4 year old twins = did I mention I was bored?


  1. If your hubby is gone much longer me thinks the equation will be no husband+ no help+two kids= mom voluntarily checks herself into the looney bin. heehee.

    (We got one of those bigass boxes from Target of various candybars. Its like 25 candy bars or something. Its about the size of a shoebox. Maybe buy one of those plenty packs and hide it in the closet? heehee. (That what I've done. SERIOUSLY!)

  2. I hid all the good food even before I had a kid. I guess that says more about me than I want to admit...

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    ROFL mine has been gone the past four days. So I've had

    No husband + 5 year old twins + 3 year old girl = 4 sleepless nights, 2 trips for fastfood and one irrate and tired momma!

  4. Wow. That's pretty rough math!


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