Friday, February 18, 2005

Life, As I Know it.

Life lately has been boring. Really nothing to report of interest except this:

I have been thinking about having another baby.
There, I said it. Now it can be officially "real". Yup, I am thinking about it. Yessirrebob thinking is good, and that is what I am doing. I mean, I think I have baby fever, I am ready for another one (some days, other days make me think I am crazy and warns me to never let anyone near my vagina again!) and I don't want my children to be too far apart in age. Let's face it, none of us are getting younger either. Especially E, he will be turning 35 this April and I, for the record, am still holding at 29. If I had got pregnant now, the twins & the new baby would be almost 3 years apart, so I think if we start trying in the beginning of the summer the kids would be 3.5 years apart and that is a good. My sister & I were 3.5 years apart & it worked out well.

On the other hand, I am sad because this will be my last pregnancy and I want to be able to relish every second of it. I want to be able to enjoy it and I couldn't do that with young twins, I feel they are more independent now & it would be easier for me and them. I am enjoying them so much now, I don't want a new baby to take any of that away from them either.
I also have to get started on potty training them, because I CAN'T have three babies in diapers. I am muddled down in poopy diapers with two, never mind three.
I would need a new truck, one that fits three cumbersome carseats. Don't mention a minivan, E told me once that his money will never buy a minivan, so unless a van fairy brings one, looks like we may have to buy a bigger truck.

So that is where my head is at now. E is ready for a third. I am still debating it. I think I am ready but you never know.

1 comment:

  1. 2 kids = man-to-man defense
    3 kids = zone defense



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