Monday, March 28, 2005


We had a very nice Easter, the babies had a great time. They loved looking for eggs and if there was something in them it was pure bonus, they just wanted the eggs. We went to my hometown for church, then to my Grandmother & Grandfather's house for a short visit, then to my other Grandma's retirement home and THEN to my Mom's for dinner. Busy but fun.

I think the consensus of my last post was:
Blogger comments stinkeroni (which I knew)
Lo Mein for breakfast is for Champions (which I embrace)
and there is a father of triplets who still has time to go online and read this little blog (which is a miracle)

Again today is a rainy overcast day. I read that there have only been 6 sunny, dry days in NJ this month! I thought April was supposed to be a rainy month. Speaking of April, my birthday is coming up which normally I love, but this year I am blah about it. I really don't care about it either way. My Stepmother i s having a party for my little brother that day so that is fine with me, I would rather celebrate his birthday anyway.
Is there any millionaires out there that enjoy this here blog and would like to buy me a gift? If there is this is what I have been drooling over for months:

and lets not make fun of me for STILL not knowing how to do links, I have twins.

1 comment:

  1. do you want help with the links? do you have a pc or a mac? when i use a mac, the wysiwyg editor doesn't show up.

    but on a pc....just highlight the word you want...then click on the earth thing with the infinity symbol. up pops up a window. this is where you will put your link.

    for me, i just open up another explorer window. i do a google search here for some item or topic. i find the webpage i like. then i copy (ctrl + C) the link from the explorer bar and then go back to the blogger page where the little link window is still showing. i paste (ctrl + P) and hit okay. or return.

    voila! a link has been created. it looks messy in this stage, but in preview mode and on your blog, it is snappy.

    i asked if you wanted help, and i gave it without your consent.

    i am sorry. :/


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