Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Another Day

I want all the Moms and Dads that read this blog to give me some ideas. I want your best rainy day, bored in the house, toddlers that try to break your spirit, ideas of things to do in the house.

Something that you do with your kids that they like or make or even your best idea of where to take them to wear them out for the day.


  1. well, my ideas might suck since my boy is only 16 months old, but do yours like fingerpainting?
    When the weather is nice I take him to the park and let him run around, he's asleep before I finish buckling the car seat belts.
    you know- I'll ask my friend. She has three year old twins (b/g, too) I'll be back...

  2. my pal, meredith, has the usual 80 zillion really fun toys BUT recently discovered that a giant dish of raw macaroni is her daughters most favorite thing!

    i forget how old your are, but maybe cookie making/decorating? i still love doing that and i'm old!

  3. Anonymous1:21 PM

    1. Forts: Take bed sheets and blankets and construct a fort in the living room or under the dining room table.

    2. "Blue's Clues"...make your own treasure hunt w/ clues and map and help the kids through it!!

    3. Silly Songs: sing/make up silly songs abotu your family!

    4. Playdough...make yourown or get the HUGE color pack w/ all the tools (can get a dollar store too) and let them create!!

    5. Paper airplanes: Make and fly paper airplane..even more fun out of second story windows!!

    6. Bean bag stuff: make your own or buy bean bags and do the toss, tic tac toe or make up a game!!

    7. Go find... Sit on the couch and have them race to go touch or find whatever object you yell the refridgorator, my bed, your pillow etc.

    8. Sissor and tape/glue stick: Get old newspaper or mag. and let them make "projects"....cut out pictures and glue...

    9. Bake cookies..let them help you measure and pour and of course lick the bowl and eat some cookie dough..cut outs are esp fun, rolling and cutting....

    10. Head for the local library and read them a bunch of stories, or show up for story time..then let them "buy" a few books to take home.

    11. Head to the local mall and let them RUN the mall up and back (with you close behind of course!!)

    12. Cut out colored construction paper in all different shapes and have them sort and match...

    13. Get some bath crayons, paint or markers and give them a mid-day bath and let them draw, and paint the walls!!

    14. Take lots of pictures and make a special album for your hubby who is away of all the fun things you did while he was gone!!

    15. Check out the local YMCA and see if they have any "open gym" times that are open to the community... (ours has it three times a week for 40 minutes!!)

    16. Invite a friend or two over so they have some buddies to play with!!!!

    17. Have an "Un-birthday" party... make a cake together and sing songs and play a few birthday the tail on the donkey, the clothes pin drop, whatever!!

    18. Go to Blockbuster and rent or buy a new movie then can watch as a special treat!!

    19. Go out to Wendy's or MacDonald's for a special lunch...go to one with a playland that is indoors!!!

    20. Create a band...let them bang on pots and pans with wooden spoons and teach them a few songs... viedo it if possible for your hubby!!!

    Hope these help...My kids love all of them!!!! xo lyns

  4. Get 'em in the kitchen. Sure, it'll probably be really messy, but they can help clean up.

    Or paint pictures on ginormous pieces of paper, then take them to the local copy place and have them laminated and use as placemats.

    Color pictures for every relative you can think of.

    Lyns list is awesome!

  5. yeah, lyns list is basically everything my friend was saying, too. So lyns rocks with her list. I bow down to her.

  6. Lyns list pretty much says it all! On rainy days when I can't get the kids to go out and play, I'll take them to Burger King and let them play in that tunnel thing to wear them out! Usually on the way home, they'll be sleeping!

  7. Markers (or crayons) and paper plates. For some reason, my 2 year old has more fun (and is entertained longer) drawing on paper plates than on paper.

  8. Anonymous6:09 AM

    children's library? I used to love going there when I was a kid - I loved getting read to. Maybe too young for that?

  9. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Two recent ones I've done with my daughter (3.5 years old):

    1. Fill kitchen sink 3/4 full with warm water hand over the rubber ducks, and let her play. The floor got a bit wet but I mopped it up and had a clean floor as a bonus.

    2. Mix non-toxic and washable tempra or Crayola paint with equal squirts of dishsoap. Put down paper and let her paint on the windows. It washes off easily with a rag and some water, then a bit of Windex to take care of streaks.


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