Monday, October 30, 2006

Fall Back

I just realized that daylight savings time is only for the childless.
They don't tell you that in the baby books!


  1. Yes I agree. We have been up since 5:30 am...

  2. It gets better... this morning, my kids woke up at 7, but it felt like 8 and my whole damn day is off to a good start!

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Yep. Same thing here. Got us up at the crack of dawn - 5:30! This happened in April too. It took me months to get her back to the 7:30 bed time hour. UGH!

  4. Ugh.
    I used to be able to be dressed and ready for work by the time my son woke up...sometimes I would have to drag him out of bed to get him dressed and be out on time, but now, NOW he is up before me and not giving me a minute to get dressed and do my hair properly because he's riding my ankles asking for cookies (Hell no, kid) and juice and whatnot...


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